Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim

Ateret News

R' Yitz Landa in the US
29 February 2016 / 20 Adar I 5776

Rabbi Yitz Landa will be in the US February 28 March 10.
Call him to say hello, or to set up a time to meet for you or someone you know who could benefit from the Yeshiva.
He can be reached on his US cell phone at 1-917-757-9687
He looks forward to hearing from you!

Rosh HaYeshiva
12 March 2015 / 21 Adar 5775

This recent period has been quite difficult. First, I developed a blood clot in my leg on my way to the US for what was meant to be a short trip. In the end, I spent two and a half weeks, including Purim, in Brooklyn before the doctors would allow me to fly back home. I was the recipient of tremendous chesed from Hashem that it was detected immediately and serious danger was averted. I had "Siyata Dishmaya" and felt the presence of Hashem along the way. I was also the recipient of great chesed on the part of our dear friends the Flaks family who took me in and allowed me to start the process of recovery. I am greatly indebted to them for their extreme kindness. I would also like to thank all those who were "Mevaker Choleh" and those who called with their good wishes for a Refuah Sheleimah. This outpouring of chesed was an integral part of my recovery.

And then, right before our return to Eretz Yisrael, I received the shocking and bitter besorah of the passing of one of my closest and dearest talmidim, Rav Benyamin Insel z"l. Benyamin was a warm and endearing person with a sharp wit and great intellect. He had an infectious smile and I can still hear his robust laughter expressing his love for the company and humor of others. Benyamin had an aura about him and had a strong and lasting impact on all those who knew him and loved him. He was a Torah scholar who was always thirsting for knowledge. He was close with my entire family and there is a hole in our collective hearts with his passing. I miss him already and I hope and pray that his son Michoel Moshe will be strong and grow up to be a Torah Scholar like his father. Yehi Zichro Baruch

Manchester Reunion
1 March 2015 / 10 Adar 5775

Join your friends for a fun and inspiring AJ Reunion with Rabbi Jablinowitz Where: JS Restaurant*, Manchester
When:Tomorrow! Tues. night, March 1st. 7:30p.m. 
     To RSVP: Click here and confirm
Or call Eli Haffner on 790-278-5421


Looking forward to seeing you!
Rabbi Jablinowitz can be reached on his mobile on 07854-129-184

Yom Iyun on Tefilla
1 December 2014 / 9 Kislev 5775

Sunday was a Yom Iyun dedicated to learning about Tefilla with a special emphasis on how to increase appreciation and enthusiasm for davening. 

During the morning seder talmidim prepared source material with their rebbeim and later heard a shiur klali from the Rosh HaYeshiva on the topic Tefilla: Midioraisa or Midirabanan.

The afternoon was divided by shiur. R. Nelson's shiur learned about the structure of Tefilla. R. Gendelman spoke about how Tefilla is an acquired taste and included an approach for increasing personal connection with Tefilla.

The highlight of the Yom Iyun was the evening program which brought the yeshiva together again for an exciting panel discussion led by R. Weisberg. Talmidim were able to ask anything on their minds about Tefilla. Questions included why three times a day, why the need for chazara hashatz and what to do if you don't understand what you’re saying. 

Click here to listen to the panel discussion. Enjoy and be inspired!