Ateret News
Dinner Journal, Slideshow and Pictures
12 June 2014 / 14 Sivan 5774
Our 15th Anniversary Celebration was a b"h a huge success. Thank you to all our friends for participating by attending or submitting an ad in our Dinner Journal. Alumni from all 15 years of the yeshiva as well as parents and friends joined us Sunday June 8th at the Hilton Newark Airport to celebrate this momentous occasion. You can browse our Dinner Journal here or watch a slide show of the dinner here. You can also view dinner pictures here.
Meet with the Rosh HaYeshiva
21 November 2013 / 18 Kislev 5774
The Rosh HaYeshiva will be in London Thurs. evening November 21st - Tues. evening November 26th. To arrange an appointment call the Rosh HaYeshiva on his mobile at 07854-129-184.
R. Safer & R. Nelson visit the Ungvarer Rebbe with Talmidim
13 September 2013 / 9 Tishri 5774
R. Safer & R. Nelson visited HaRav Klien shlitah, the Ungvarer Rebbe with Talmidim. They had the opportunity to hear his uplifting and inspiring words days before Yom Kippur. The Rebbe spoke about the significance of Yom Kippur falling out on Shabbos and gave the talmidim personal brachos as well as individual honey dishes . Click here to view pictures.
Elul Program: Recharge your Batteries!
21 July 2013 / 14 Av 5773
We are happy to announce an Elul program offered by the Yeshiva to our alumni and their friends.
Starting on Monday, August 19th - י"ג אלול, and continuing through Succos.
Inspiring and enjoyable. A great way to recharge your batteries before your year of studies or work!
For more details or to apply click here.