Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim

Ateret News

AJ Visits Yad Eliezer
2 November 2012 / 17 Heshvan 5773

Ateret Yerushalayim descended upon the Yad Eliezer warehouse for an afternoon to help pack tens of food boxes for needy families. We had a good time while helping others. Click here to watch the video set to music. And click here to find out more about Yad Eliezer.

Afternoon Trip to Bat Yam Beach
6 September 2012 / 19 Elul 5772

The Yeshiva went on an afternoon trip to the Bat Yam beach. The weather was beautiful. We spent about three hrs. swimming, playing volleyball and just relaxing. We made it back to yeshiva for dinner followed by Maariv and R. Weisenfelds halacha shiur. Click here to view photos.