Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim

Life Events

Baruch Dayan HaEmmes
14 November 2014 / 21 Heshvan 5775

Heartfelt condolences to R' Avrohom Sholom Lidsky on the passing of his mother.
HaMakomYinachem Eschem Bsoch Shaar Avayla Tzion Veyerushalayim.

Harvey Simon
7 November 2014 / 14 Heshvan 5775

Mazel Tov to Harvey ('03-'05) and Judy Simon on the birth of twin boys.

David Goodman
19 September 2014 / 24 Elul 5774

Mazel tov to David Goodman ('07 - '08) on his marriage to Tamara Freiden.

Jeremy Feingold
12 September 2014 / 17 Elul 5774

Mazel tov to Mr. & Mrs. Jeremy Feingold ('01 - '03) on the birth of a baby boy.