Yeshivat Ateret Yerushalayim

Life Events

Rabbi Gendelman
15 June 2016 / 9 Sivan 5776

Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Rebbetzin Gendelman on the engagement of their son Yossi to Tzivia Kosovsky of Sanhedria Murchevet.

Zev Kellerman
3 June 2016 / 26 Iyyar 5776

Mazel Tov to Zev (98-99) and Gitty Kellerman on the Bar Mitzvah of their son.

Rabbi Weisberg
25 May 2016 / 17 Iyyar 5776

Mazal Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Yaron Weisberg on the marriage of their daughter to Moshe Rabin of Yerushalayim.

Rabbi Gendelman
12 May 2016 / 4 Iyyar 5776

Mazel Tov to Rabbi and Mrs. Gendelman on the birth of a granddaughter!