Search results for "Category Bereishis"
Parashas Noach
Rabbi Jablinowitz
We read in this week's parsha (Chapter 6, Pasuk 12), Ki Hishchis Kal Basar Es Darko al Ha'aretz. The Torah tells us that everyone had destroyed their ways and was acting immorally. Rashi learns that the term "Kal Basar" comes to teach that not only were people acting immorally, b Read more...
Parshat Bereishis
Rabbi Jablinowitz
In the beginning of the second chapter in this week’s parsha, the Torah describes how creation came to a close with the onset of Shabbos. The pasuk reads, Vayechal Elokim Bayom HaShvi’i Melachto Asher Asah, And Gd finished His work on the seventh day. Rashi asks, how could Gd&r Read more...
Rabbi Jablinowitz
There is a remarkable similarity between Yaakov blessing his grandchildren, Ephraim and Menashe, in this week’s parsha and Yitzchak blessing his children in parshas Toldos. Just as the younger Yaakov received the blessing over his older brother Eisav, so too Yaakov blesses the younger Ephraim Read more...
Rabbi Jablinowitz
We read in the beginning of this week's parsha that Yehuda approaches Yosef and requests that he be allowed to remain in Egypt as a slave to Yosef and that Binyamin should be allowed to return home. The Medrash teaches different opinions as to what Yehuda was doing. Some say he was preparing for war Read more...